Rethinking Engagement in a World of Deep Tech

Simon Robinson
3 min readJun 17, 2022
A woman on a sail boat
Photo: Paulo Fabre

In a world that is more hyperconnected than ever before, humanity has reached a point where we seem to be losing our connection with others.

The stategy of social media platforms has been to engineer algorithms to emphasise difference and dischord, which is great for platform engagement but less so for human engagement.

Away from our virtual existance, life in organisations is also suffering, with people less connected and engaged with their companies which they perceive as lacking authentic purpose. With platforms now offering a chance to branch out into many new occupations and lifestyles, people are resigning in their droves in search of more meaningful work.

Big tech is one of the most competitive sectors for top talent, and many tech companies are struggling to hold on to their most talented people. At the same time, startups which were initially able to attract new, young and enthusiastic talent often struggle to maintain the startup culture as they grow and scale rapidly, leading to dissafected members who no longer experience the same highs and excitement in the early days of incubation.

Not only do these same tech companies, both large and nascent, have challenges with employee engagement, they are also deeply challenged by those using their advanced technologies and artificial intelligence and algorithms, the main question now being one of trust in the security and use of personal data.

These deep challenges require deep solutions, especially in our world in which all forms of communication are becoming evermore visual.

For this reason, Holonomics has teamed up with Paulo Fabre to develop Engagement through Visual Stories, an innovative new systemic methodology for HR and communications teams that enables leaders to work simultaneously on the internal and external aspects of their organisations, generating an authentic and long-lasting impact in relation to the engagement of employees and customers. It empowers organisations by connecting people’s lived experience with their purpose and the culture of the organisation, thereby preparing them for future challenges and the new reality of hybrid and virtual work practices.

Because it takes a multidisciplinary approach that combines expertise in strategy, customer and employee experience and brand design in an integrated and customised way, Engagement through Visual Stories delivers the following results for leadership teams:

  • Improved performance through a more highly engaged workforce;
  • The development of culture, values and vision in hybrid and online working environments;
  • Optimisation of the limited time leaders have with their teams by developing their narrative and storytelling skills, both in person and in virtual contexts;
  • More meaningful strategies, thereby making communication more effective and efficient;
  • Connection of the customer experience to the employee experience, improving engagement and loyalty in clients and customers.

The idea behind Engagement through Visual Stories is to empower organisations by connecting people’s lived experience with their purpose and the culture of the organisation, thereby preparing them for future challenges and the new reality of hybrid and virtual work practices. A full case study is provided in our book Deep Tech and the Amplified Organisation. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.



Simon Robinson

Co-author of Deep Tech and the Amplified Organisation, Customer Experiences with Soul and Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter. CEO of Holonomics